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Live Science

Explore the real-time data for Caly and other native Hawaiian species. Understanding how their growth is influenced by environmental variability and change helps us conserve these species.

How does Caly’s recent growth compare to other species?

The interactive graph below shows the growth of Caly’s stem in the past few days, measured by an automated stem dendrometer, compared to the growth of other species.

*** Note to students: Data stopped transmitting on Dec 3, so use the data below to complete the assignment. Sorry, bad timing! We are currently troubleshooting.

Compare Caly to

How does Caly’s long-term growth compare to other species?

The interactive graph below shows the growth of Caly’s stem during the past few years, measured by an automated stem dendrometer, compared to the growth of other species.

*Note: The abrupt offsets beginning in 2021 are erroneous, and will be fixed soon.

Compare Caly to

How does Caly’s environment affect growth?

The interactive graph below shows the growth of Caly’s stem in the past few days, measured by an automated stem dendrometer, with simultaneously collected environmental data.

*** Note to students: Data stopped transmitting on Dec 3, so use the data below to complete the assignment. Sorry, bad timing! We are currently troubleshooting.

Compare Caly to

How does Caly grow in the long-term?

The interactive graph below shows the long-term growth of Caly’s stem, measured by an automated stem dendrometer, with simultaneously collected environmental data.

*Note: The abrupt stem diameter offsets beginning in 2021 are erroneous, and will be fixed soon.

Compare Caly to

The data shown above is preliminary and for demonstration purposes only. 

plantCam is a collaboration between USGS, University of Hawai’i, USFWS, and Hawai’i DLNR
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